Reporting local crime
If you’ve been unfortunate enough to witness crime in your neighbourhood, it can be very unsettling. We would always encourage that you report any crime you see to the relevant authorities. Though this may feel like a big step, it’s the best thing to do to improve safety in your area.
For non-urgent reports, you can call 101 for assistance. If it’s an emergency, call 999 immediately. If you’re unsure about what does and doesn’t count as a crime, and whether or not it should be reported, you can find more detailed information on the POLICE.UK website.
It’s completely normal to worry about contacting the police to report local crime – but remember, they’re there to help. According to Telephone-operated Crime Survey for England and Wales (TCSEW), UK public perceptions of the police throughout 2020 have been largely positive - with 9 in 10 adults “satisfied with the way local police were responding to the pandemic” – meaning most people have been happy with police outcomes, even in trying times.
For more information about safety and security at home, visit our blog, or get in touch with a helpful member of our team. Our flexible ADT security packages are designed around you, helping you feel safer in your neighbourhood, so why not get a free quote today?