The most frequent crime
offences in Derby
Showing the most common offences in Derby across
% of crimes
% of crimes
% of crimes
Total burglaries: (% of crimes)
Derby areas with the highest crime rating
Showing the top areas in Derby with the highest weekly average crime rates (Dates range from )
Avg. weekly crimes:
Avg. weekly burglaries:
Avg. weekly crimes:
Avg. weekly burglaries:
Avg. weekly crimes:
Avg. weekly burglaries:
Avg. weekly crimes:
Avg. weekly burglaries:
Avg. weekly crimes:
Avg. weekly burglaries:
Avg. weekly crimes:
Avg. weekly burglaries:
Avg. weekly crimes:
Avg. weekly burglaries:
Avg. weekly crimes:
Avg. weekly burglaries:
Avg. weekly crimes:
Avg. weekly burglaries:
Is Derby a safe place to live?
Crime rates are an important factor in selecting the right level of home security.
Talk to us
Outfit your home with an ADT security solution; get in touch and our team will work with you on a free security assessment.
Helpful links
Take a look at additional resources you can use to protect your home.
Tips on home security
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