The Dangers Of Gift Wrapping

The dangers of gift wrapping

November 29 2023

As the festive season arrives, many of us will be in the full swing of buying gifts for loved ones, some of which may be high-value items. Advertising these products, either through social media or by leaving the packaging outside of your property as part of your weekly refuse collection, can attract the wrong kind of attention. 

As a result, the security experts at ADT have put together a useful guide on the potential risks of letting others know what you got for Christmas and why correctly disposing of packaging can massively protect you in the long run. 

Why you should dispose of packaging:

Burglary Deterrence:

Leaving packaging on the street as part of your weekly bin collection signals to potential burglars that valuable items are inside your home, increasing the risk of a break-in. Proper disposal conceals the presence of newly acquired expensive items, reducing the temptation for thieves. It’s worth noting that the majority of burglars are opportunists and capitalise on innocuous activity such as this.

Protection of Privacy:

Packaging often contains identifiable information like names, addresses, and product details. Leaving this packaging out can expose personal information, posing a risk of identity theft or compromising privacy. Criminals may use this to commit fraud or steal identities.

How you should correctly dispose of gift packaging:

Proper disposal practices help maintain the security of your home by not advertising the presence of expensive items. Burglars often scout for visible signs of valuable purchases, which can make your home a potential target.

1. Consider Alternative Disposal Locations: If possible, take packaging to a local recycling centre or waste disposal facility rather than leaving it at the curb. This ensures that the packaging is not visible outside your home, reducing the risk of attracting unwanted attention.

2. Dispose of Packaging Discreetly: Avoid leaving packaging visible in plain sight near the bins or on the curb Instead, place it inside bin bags or containers to conceal the contents. Try to mix it with regular household rubbish to minimise its visibility.

3. Break Down Boxes: Disassemble or cut down boxes from gifts into smaller pieces. Flatten or crush them to make them less noticeable and to obscure any branding or indications of high-value items. This prevents them from advertising the contents of your recent purchases.

Why you should avoid advertising your gifts on social media:

Burglary and Theft:

Sharing details about your Christmas gifts on social media can attract burglars or thieves, as it provides them with information about valuable items inside your home. This increases the risk of break-ins or theft.

Whilst you may feel comfortable sharing things with your close friends online, the 2023 Burglary Report found that 3% of burglaries are committed by someone known to the victim. It is also important to keep in mind that social media often suggests images and posts to ‘people you may know’. This means that you may not know if your social media posts are seen by more people than you intended them to be.  

Potential Stalking or Harassment: Broadcasting personal gifts or possessions may inadvertently lead to unwanted attention. You should be careful when sharing your location on social media to avoid being an easy target, and always ensure that you have your privacy settings on platforms such as Facebook set to private.

Personal Security and Privacy:

Inadvertently advertising your gifts on social media can compromise personal security and privacy. It exposes your location, lifestyle, and possessions, making you more vulnerable to identity theft or targeted crimes.

How to avoid home break-ins and deter burglary:

Get a monitored alarm installed:

A visible alarm system is a strong deterrent to potential burglars, as criminals are less likely to target a home that is protected. In the event of a break-in, a monitored alarm will alert you, your keyholders and depending on the package you take out, the police, ensuring a swift response to an alarm activation.

Install a video doorbell or camera: 

Video doorbells not only allow you to see and speak with whoever is at your front door, wherever you are, but they also act as the first line of defence as a visual deterrent, notifying you immediately when the doorbell is pressed or motion is detected.

The footage captured on a video doorbell or camera can also be used as evidence should your home be broken into. If a burglar is pretending to be a postal worker or police officer, they are unlikely to cover their face, meaning that you will have a clear image to go to the police with. 

A visible bell box deterrent from a well-recognised monitored home security provider and clear security products will significantly reduce your chances of being burgled.


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